1100 NE 163rd Street, Suite 101
North Miami Beach, FL 33162

Vaporox VHT

What is VHT™?

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Primary Foot Care Center, Inc. | Ankle Pain, Bunions and Fractures of the Foot

VAPOROX VHT is a Low-Frequency, Non-Contact, Non-Thermal Ultrasound Treatment

VHT is FDA-cleared technology that has been clinically validated as a safe and effective adjunctive treatment for healing nine types of skin wounds.

Patented wound healing technology. Clinically validated as safe and effective.

Treats Diabetic foot ulcers, Venous leg ulcers, post-surgical wounds and many more.

The hydrating vapor gently surrounds the wound and the elements are passively absorbed through the cell walls 1-hour treatment, two to three times per week. Painless and soothing. Performed along with standard wound care.

Delivered in this Doctor's office exclusively!

Call today (305) 834-4103 and speak with Dr. Tamara Fishman to see if this new technology will help you heal your lower extremity wound.

I am pleased to announce that our community now has access to the newest FDA-cleared, chronic wound therapy on the market, Vaporous Hyperoxia Therapy (VHT).

VHT is currently available on a limited basis and not yet accessible to large healthcare systems.

VHT is a Low-Frequency, Non-Contact, Non-Thermal, Ultrasonic Mist therapy that has been clinically validated as a safe and effective adjunct therapy:

FDA-Cleared to Treat 9 Types of Wounds

Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Venous Leg Ulcers
Post-Surgical Wounds
Pressure Ulcers
Skin Grafts

VHT may be what's missing to help your most difficult patients resolve their wounds and preserve their limbs. For your non-responding wounds, or patients without coverage for advanced modalities such as CTPs and HBO, please consider sending them my way to try VHT.

I offer a “VHT ONLY” service to the community. As a referring provider, you remain the primary physician and your patient receives VHT therapy 2-3 times per week in my office.

Thank you for considering a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach. Together we can achieve the universal goal of healing chronic wounds and best meet the needs of our patients.

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